Ointment for fresh wounds comes in many forms, such as iodine solution, gel, or ointment. Including multi-purpose skin cream You can choose to use according to ease of use or as appropriate to the nature of the wounds. The use of medicines appropriate to the nature of the wound will help take care of the wound effectively. Helps reduce infection and helps wounds heal quickly.

In the daily life of each person We are always exposed to the risk of accidents, such as scalding hot water or oil splashes. Cut with a knife while cooking Walking on the sidewalk, I suddenly tripped over something and fell and scraped my knee. And of course, the wounds caused by these accidents May cause scars as a result. This is worrisome and may cause insecurity in living life. Therefore, we must have a way to care for fresh wounds. Do not let the wound become infect and scars will follow to build confidence. UFABET We have collected various treatment methods here.
Wash the wound with saline: Of course, saline is considered basic first aid equipment. The concentration of wound washing saline is similar to the water in our body and skin cells. So it doesn’t hurt. Not irritating Does not destroy tissue Reduces the chance of scarring. Which should avoid washing with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Because it can irritate and sting the wound.
After washing the wound with saline, use the antibiotic Mupirocin, which helps stop bacteria. Reduce inflammation of the skin Makes the wound heal faster and reduce the chance of scarring later, such as Bactex, etc.
In addition to using medicine to apply to fresh wounds to help take care of them quickly. You should always take care of the cleanliness of the wound, such as covering the wound with a plaster or bandage. It should be replaced every time the old one gets wet. To prevent dampness, in addition, you should not pick or scratch the skin when the wound is dry and scabby, to prevent the wound from healing slowly or causing scars as a result.
Foods rich in protein, vitamin A, iron and zinc. It plays an important role in rehabilitating the body faster. Helps wounds heal faster. And it also helps reduce wound infection in another way.
- Protein: Foods that contain protein reduce the risk of developing swollen wounds. Reduce infection Found in
various meats, eggs, milk, dried beans, mung beans, black beans, and kidney beans. - Vitamin A: Helps rebuild tissue. Found in papaya, morning glory, pumpkin, ripe mango, carrots, and watermelon.
- Vitamin C: Helps produce collagen under the skin. which is a protein that strengthens skin cells, found in guava, tangerine, grapefruit, apple, jujube, strawberry, kiwi, and pineapple.
- Zinc: stimulates the creation of enzymes responsible for producing new skin cells. Plus, it stimulates wounds to heal faster. Found in dried beans, seeds, and corn.
- Iron: It is an important part of hemoglobin in red blood cells that transports oxygen to the wound area. Makes wounds heal more easily. Found in broccoli, asparagus, betel leaf, kale, cabbage, cassia leaf, liver and egg yolk.